Wisdom tooth extraction fortitude valley

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

wisdom tooth extraction

No one should have to suffer through the discomfort of impacted wisdom teeth. At Valley Dental, we offer pain-free and minimally invasive wisdom teeth extractions to alleviate pain and restore oral health.

Wisdom teeth removal
Dental X-Ray

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the furthest set of molars found at the rear of your upper and lower jaw. Wisdom teeth appear later in life, usually between the ages of 18 and 25; however, not everyone is born with these teeth.

If they grow into a proper position, and you have room for them, wisdom teeth are just like any other tooth and can be maintained as such. However, if your wisdom teeth do not have enough room to come out, it is very common for them to get stuck in your gums and jawbone, causing them to become impacted or infected. When your wisdom teeth are impacted, it is usually recommended to have them removed to avoid issues such as infection, cavities, gum disease, and other oral health concerns.

Some symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include swollen gums behind the last molars, jaw pain or tenderness, intense pain and soreness in the mouth (or possibly around the ear or throat) and white spots behind your rear molars, which are likely the visible tips of your new teeth breaking through your gum tissue.

what are wisdom teeth?

Impacted Wisdom Tooth
Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom teeth removal can typically be performed in the dental chair under local anesthetic, depending on the positioning of the tooth and the number of teeth that require extraction. Usually, wisdom teeth are no different to extractions of any other teeth. If you are experiencing discomfort, it is important to consult with your dentist about your wisdom teeth to decide what the best treatment plan is for you.

When visiting Valley Dental for the removal of your wisdom teeth, you can expect your appointment to look something like this. Firstly, to ensure a smooth process and your comfort throughout the extraction, local anesthetic is administered, numbing the area surrounding your wisdom tooth. other sedative options can be made available if required.

Once the area is nice and numb, your dentist will gently widen the wisdom tooth socket. The tooth is then carefully loosened from its socket by moving it from side to side until it can be completely removed. For deeply impacted wisdom teeth, your dentist might have to make a small incision in the gums, remove a portion of the surrounding bone, or carefully section the tooth into smaller parts to be gradually removed. Once the tooth is fully extracted, the area is carefully sutured using dissolvable stitches, which typically dissolve within a few weeks.

removing wisdom teeth

types of impacted wisdom teeth

Misoangular impacted wisdom tooth

A mesioangular impacted wisdom tooth is the most common and occurs when the tooth grows at an angle that tilts toward the front of the mouth, pushing against the adjacent second molar.


Distoangular impacted wisdom tooth

A distoangular impacted wisdom tooth occurs when a wisdom tooth grows at an angle tilting toward the back of the mouth, away from the other teeth.


Wisdom tooth surgery

A vertically impacted wisdom tooth grows straight up and down, aligned with neighbouring teeth, but cannot emerge due to limited space.


Horizontal Wisdom Tooth

A horizontal impacted wisdom tooth grows horizontally, parallel to other teeth, and often requires surgical removal due to potential complications.


Wisdom teeth FAQ

  • The cost of having your wisdom tooth removed varies depending on factors such as the number of teeth that need to be extracted and the complexity of the procedure. Generally, the cost for a wisdom tooth extraction starts at $249 per tooth.

  • Wisdom teeth typically emerge or become uncomfortable between the ages of 17-25. t's important to note that the exact timing can vary from person to person, with some individuals experiencing these changes earlier or later within this age range.

  • In the modern context, the significance of wisdom teeth has diminished significantly due to changes in our dietary habits and cooking methods. Although wisdom teeth can function as a third set of molars when they grow in correctly, their function is less prominent.

  • If you have a private health fund with major dental cover, they may cover a portion of the wisdom tooth extraction costs under item numbers 311, 322 and 324. For further information or to check if you are covered, please book a consultation or contact our practice.

If your wisdom teeth function normally without any risk of infection, they are essentially like any other tooth. However, if there's a likelihood that your wisdom teeth might pose issues, it's advisable to consider their removal sooner rather than later. Removal at a younger age comes with advantages such as better healing, faster recovery, and lower associated risks compared to addressing the issue later in life.

benefits of Wisdom

tooth removal

Dental implants benefits


Dental implants benefits


Dental implants benefits


“at valley Dental, we have extensive training in surgical and non-surgical wisdom teeth extraction techniques, allowing for the most comfortable and gentle experience for our patients.”

- Dr bayer

book a wisdom tooth extraction appointment

At Valley Dental, we provide you with clear post-procedure care guidelines to support a swift and safe recovery. The majority of our patients experience a full recovery within three to four days following their wisdom tooth extraction. In cases where the extraction is more complex, the healing period may extend to approximately one week. Typically, the dissolvable stitches will naturally disintegrate after a few days, and we can provide you with gauze pads to manage any residual bleeding. Most people do not experience any problems after the removal, but if you are worried, please get in touch with us.

wisdom teeth removal recovery

Oral Hygiene after dental extraction

oral hygiene  

Proper oral care after a wisdom tooth extraction is vital to ensure a quick recovery. Rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water a few times daily to keep the area clean. Continue brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush; however, avoid disturbing the extraction site directly.

Tooth Extraction Pain Relief

pain relief 

After a wisdom tooth extraction, you can typically take over-the-counter pain relief medications to reduce pain and inflammation. It's essential to follow our recommendations and prescriptions for pain relief to ensure a smooth recovery.


Diet After Tooth Extraction

Opt for soft and easy-to-chew foods in the days following the procedure. Consider eating yogurt, smoothies, pureed soups, mashed potatoes, and well-cooked pasta. Avoid crunchy, hard, or spicy foods that could irritate the extraction site. Most importantly, don't forget to stay hydrated!

For more details, please download our Post Tooth Extraction Recovery Guide here.

all major health funds accepted

Westfund health Insurance logo
Medibank Private Logo

If your private health fund is not listed above, please contact us prior to your appointment to confirm you are covered.

Yes, we sure do. VALLEY DENTAL Is conveniently located in Fortitude valley and offers pain free wisdom tooth removal.

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