dentures Fortitude Valley Brisbane

Dentures Brisbane

If you have missing teeth and are searching for an affordable and effective way to rejuvenate your smile, improve oral function, and stabilise your bite, a denture appliance could be the ideal choice.


Dentures Fortitude Valley
Dental x-ray for dentures

Dentures, also known as false teeth, are custom-made dental prosthetic replacements for missing teeth and the associated gum tissues. 

These dental appliances are carefully crafted to closely resemble your natural gum tissue and teeth. If you have lost teeth due to gum disease, injury, or tooth decay, dentures are a great solution to restore your smile and fill out your facial profile, in an affordable manner.

Traditionally, dentures have been removable for hygiene and maintenance purposes; however, with modern techniques, secure placement using dental implants is now a viable option. 

At Valley Dental, we take pride in crafting our dentures locally, using premium materials like acrylic or porcelain. This not only ensures aesthetic appeal but also provides functional advantages, replicating the look and functionality of natural teeth. This, in turn, enhances your ability to eat, speak, and maintain optimal oral health.

What are dentures?

Dentures Fortitude Valley
Dentures Brisbane

The process of getting dentures spans across 2-3 appointments at Valley Dental, whether you require a full-mouth denture or a partial denture. 

Impressions or scans for custom trays: Our process begins with a precise assessment of your oral condition. We'll take detailed impressions or scans of your teeth to create custom trays that will serve as the foundation for your denture. These impressions are crucial as they ensure a perfect fit and comfort.

If you are in need of a full denture, our approach may involve a preliminary step of tooth extraction, followed by a healing period before commencing the denture treatment process.

Crafting your dentures: Once we have the impressions, our local prosthetist and lab technicians will meticulously craft your denture. Using high-quality materials like acrylic or porcelain, they'll create the denture to closely mimic the appearance of natural teeth and gum tissue. This craftsmanship ensures both aesthetic appeal and functional performance.

Trial fitting: Before finalising your denture, we arrange a try-in appointment. During this stage, you'll have the opportunity to test the fit and comfort of your denture. Any necessary adjustments or refinements are made to ensure it feels comfortable and functions effectively in your mouth.

Final fitting: The final step of our process is the final fitting. This is when you receive your custom-made denture, precisely adjusted to provide optimal comfort and functionality. Our goal is to ensure that your new denture fits seamlessly into your smile and daily life, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Throughout the entire process, our experienced team of dentists will be on hand to address any questions or concerns you may have. Your satisfaction and oral health are our top priorities, and we are dedicated to providing you with a high-quality, custom-made denture that meets your specific needs and requirements.

Your custom made dentures    

Types of denture

Denture Fortitude Valley Brisbane

Complete dentures replace an entire set of teeth. Upper dentures sit against the palate, while lower dentures rest on the lower jaw where the teeth once were. A full denture is typically best suited for individuals who have lost all their natural teeth in one or both dental arches

          Full Dentures          

Partial Denture Fortitude Valley

Partial dentures offer a practical solution for individuals with one or more missing teeth. These custom-made dental appliances are designed to connect securely to healthy neighbouring teeth using discreet clasps. Partial dentures can be made from metal (chrome-cobalt) or acrylic.

         Partial Denture        

Implant Supported Denture Brisbane

Implant-supported dentures are full or partial dentures supported by one or more dental implants, which provide additional strength and stability. They are best suited for individuals who have experienced significant tooth loss and are seeking a more stable and secure solution for tooth replacement.

  Implant supported denture

Dentures FAQ

  • The cost of dentures varies widely depending on several factors, including the type of denture or dentures, whether metal or acrylic is used and the complexity of the case. Generally, a partial dental starts from $1950 and a full denture starts from $2250

  • In the evening, when removing your dentures, gently brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush (no toothpaste), then allow them to dry out most nights.

    One to two times a week soak them in a nonabrasive denture cleanser to remove food particles, plaque, and other deposits. We also highly recommend scheduling routine dental check-ups to ensure that your dentures remain clean, comfortable, and free from the need for adjustments.

  • Absolutely! Our aim when fitting your dentures is to restore the natural function of your teeth. While it may take a few days to adapt to your new dentures, you can resume eating normally.

  • With proper hygiene and regular dental check-ups, your denture or dentures should typically last between 5 to 10 years on average. During your routine visit, we can assess the condition of your denture and provide guidance on whether a replacement may be necessary.

  • If you have a private health fund with major dental cover, they may cover a portion of your denture treatment costs under item codes 711, 712, 727, and 728. For further information or to check if you are covered, please book a consultation, contact our practice or contact your health insurance provider.

Dentures not only restore your smile's appearance but also enhance your dental function. With improved chewing ability, you can enjoy a more varied diet without restrictions. Dentures also help maintain the alignment of remaining healthy teeth, preventing them from becoming crooked and facilitating easier brushing and flossing for better overall dental hygiene.

Benefits of


Dentures Brisbane


Benefits of Dentures


Dentures Brisbane


“At VALLEY DENTAL, We believe dentures offer an effective and aesthetic solution to achieve a beautiful smile in an affordable manner.”

- Dr bayer

Book a denture appointment

dentures vs implants

Dentures and dental implants are two distinct treatments for tooth replacement. The decision to get dental implants or dentures depends on individual factors, including your oral health, preferences, and financial considerations. At Valley Dental, we can help you determine the most suitable option for your individual circumstances.


Dentures Fortitude Valley

Dentures, which are usually removable appliances, offer an affordable and non-invasive solution for individuals with multiple missing teeth to restore natural function including chewing capacity.

Dental Implant

Dental implants, a definitive tooth replacement, are best for individuals with good oral health who want to preserve their smile. They offer a highly stable and natural-looking solution.

All Major Health Funds Accepted

Westfund health Insurance logo
Medibank Private Logo

If your private health fund is not listed above, please contact us prior to your appointment to confirm you are covered.

Yes, we sure do. VALLEY DENTAL is conveniently located in Fortitude Valley and we offer complete mouth Restorations, including dentures.

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